New month! It's gonna get hot - so, is there such a thing as a safe tan?

Image result for Summer Tans That Won't Give You CancerIs there a way to safely tan your skin without exposing it to the damage that could lead to skin cancer? With the month of July comes summertime and with summertime comes warm days in the sun, baseball games/ outdoor activities, barbecues and of course, lazy days at the beach. And for many, it's the time to celebrate the end of winter with a deep, "healthy" summer tan - and of course, if you're exposed to the sun, there is potential for damage. There are steps that may help prevent burns and protect the skin from excessive damage.

Skin tans when cells just below the surface, called melanocytes are exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light and produce melanin - a pigment that darkens the skin. Melanin absorbs UV light and helps protect the skin from burning. But too much UV light may do some serious damage since UV can easily penetrate deeply into the skin and may cause premature aging of the skin, eye damage and harm to the DNA of skin cells that may lead to basal cell or squamous cell carcinomas - the two most common types of skin cells. Worse, damaged melanocytes may develop into melanoma, which accounts for 2% of all skin cancers in the world, but more than 90% of skin cancer deaths! UV rays are difficult to avoid - they have the power to bounce off the water, snow and sand and penetrate windows, windshields and clothing. Children, young adults and people with fair skin are more susceptible and are at greater risk of cell damage from UV light - in other words, darker skin due to the presence of melanin has been shown to lead to delayed diagnoses in some types of skin cancer. 

Image result for Summer Tans That Won't Give You CancerTo help protect your sim from the damage caused by UV light, the Skin Cancer Foundation recommends you to use sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 30 or higher if you plan to be outside for more than 20 minutes. The sunscreen should be water resistant and protect against UVA and UVB rays - reapply regularly especially after sweating or getting out of the water. They also advise you to avoid burns since sunburns have been linked to an increased risk of melanoma - avoid tanning booths and beds that use damaging UV light. Several states prohibit the use of tanning booths for people under the age of 18 and some countries have even banned tanning salons. Australia has the highest incidence of melanoma in the world and there is reason to believe that most other types of cancers in Australians originate as a result of genetic mutations to skin cells. There is a need to be extra vigilant in protecting yourself from sun damage between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. when the sun is often the strongest - it is not the high temperatures that are the real issue (since we already know that in the evening, we are exposed more to IR than UV) - so, seek shade when possible and cover up with a wide brimmed hat, UV blocking sunglasses and long sleeves and pants. Examine your skin for suspicious spots every month and see a dermatologist for skin checks once a year. 

Even though tans are not safe, that won't stop many active people from enjoying the outdoors this summer and it shouldn't. Outdoor activities are one way to get exercise which helps reduce the risk of cancer and other illnesses. Moderate sun exposure also helps the body produce Vitamin-D which has been shown to boost the immune system and promote the growth of healthy cells. Do not be fooled by cloudy or cooler days though - you can still get burned. Be careful of areas where you may be in the shade but UV rays get reflected towards you! Stay safe and enjoy your summers! 
